By seth faergolzia

Loop Painting #7

Wow!  This month is going to require a lot from me, doing tons of work to finish up my Loop Painting series.  Number 7 and 8 come from the Rochester Fringe Festival in September.  I was happy to be included in it and to get to do some of my experimentation in art and music combined.  
This is a lot of media!  I painted while creating live loops, but in addition to that, I was recording audio and video.  After the fact, I take the audio and turn it into one long, live recording for your ears and a short video with condensed audio for your eyes and ears.
This one sounds great to me.  I’ll be putting out all four of these videos this month!  Such an intense amount of work, but completing this project makes me feel good.  It’s been a great learning experience in all the four realms of art which it involves.
I’d like to offer a discount to any of you who’d like to come out to the Loop Painting Opening December 1st at Photo City Improv here in Rochester;  you get half price entry to the show, which my band Multibird will be playing as well as two other bands!
Big thanks to you all for your continued support.  Onward and upward!

Act Two – Full Musical Score and Audio plus Video version

Blazisox zinkmau!!!  The time has culminated, bubbling forth a smokey boiling liquid in the black kettle upon the fiery hearth within.  Hours and hours and hours of toil to complete this mammoth of a second act to my 13 year project in puppet opera, 23 Psaegz.

I’ve spent almost every waking / free hour, pouring my soul into this computer, this composition program, in hopes that one day we might read through this massive work and bring it to life.  I give this music to you, my Patreons, to have a first listen.  I will continue to own the copyright, hehe, but I give it to your ears, and if you read music, then I give it for your fingers… and your voices, to sing or play on your own along with this digital version first ideas sketch recording and score.

It will certainly develop over time, and I do not feel 100% done with it, but only playing it with others will bring forth changes at this point.  I’ve made it as true to my original idea as I could, with these digital constraints.  I’m loving it.

The audio is of a computer simulation of the future event with live band, but it does not have my guitar parts included, so may sound a bit sparse at times.  It also has a very sketchy voice recording along with it, where I kinda just wanted to get the vocal cues in there for the musicians to get an idea of what was happening.

Tomorrow I will will post a video of the score with music playing simultaneously.  They are rendering as we speak.  It’s a very long process since this act is about 33 minutes!!  There are three acts in all.  The third act is (thankfully) shorter, only about 15 minutes.  I previously released Act 1 a couple months back.  You can find it if you scroll through my posts here.

I’m shooting to complete Act 3 by the end of December!  That way I can move on into the next phase of this project in 2018…

We are here in the future, and weirdly, it feels very futuristic!  We are actually doing a lot of the things people predicted we would do.  I predict that we, as a species, will reach a greater state of enlightenment, while, at the same time, we will find ourselves slipping perpetually backward into ignorant bliss.  Bless!  Thanks for checking this out.



… and if you’re interested in reading along while the music plays, here’s a video version!!

Seth Sings Soft Songs – He Once Was

Hello everyone,

Today I’m sending you a video of “He Once Was”.  It’s one of my favorite songs to play.  It’s pretty quiet so I don’t often get to play it in live music atmospheres because people tend to enjoy more peppy stuff in live situations.  I wish I could play songs like this at every show, and maybe I should just do it, I don’t know.  My Seth Sings Soft Songs series was a great pleasure and a challenge to me because I compiled all my quiet material into two sets of music.  Performing that way was very foreign to me because I’ve been doing so many band shows or loop shows… stuff like that.  I like being able to have an outlet for this type of music because it really is a big part of my musical personality.

So here’s the VIDEO

and here’s AUDIO ONLY

and here’s the STUDIO RECORDING from my solo album “Doubting Won’t Do”.  I hope you’ll enjoy one or all of these!

The rest of this month will be devoted to scoring out Act 2 of my rock opera, 23 Psaegz.  It’s a huge undertaking!  40 minutes worth of music for multiple instruments… I love doing it though! Composing, writing and improvisation are my favorite things to do right now.  I’m so happy to get to spend this creative time.  It’s just in me, the music, always… I’m just constantly thinking in notes, so to have a vent for all this sound bouncing around inside me is just pure joy.


Wow, I’ve passed the halfway mark with this Loop Painting project!  This time I did a bit of advance work before the live performance.  So what I did was to shoot video while looping with headphones and painting a simple background in my studio.  After that, I performed at Kashong Creek in Geneva, NY and completed the painting.   You’ll notice in the video that when the scenery changes also the audio quality changes, that is because I recorded the looping while doing both parts and had the audio coincide.  I hope this creates a bit more connection to the actual events as they occurred.

Heres the SHORT AUDIO and the LONG VERSION for you to download.

My next two paintings are from the Rochester Fringe Festival.  Those ones turned out really nice, and they keep getting bigger!!!  The full art opening is December 1st at Photo City Improv here in Rochester.

This month you should expect from me a Soft Songs Series video and hopefully part 2 to the 23 Psaegz rock opera score.  I’m working hard toward a great many goals.   You are helping to make all this happen, so I must thank you repeatedly!  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

This is incredibly exciting!! Two months of work, and the new video is done!

Helly delly friendly peoples!  Super ‘citement from the duperdiddly worm!

I’ve finished the video I’ve put my heart and soul into for the past two months straight!

First I made the song in 2014, then recorded it in 2015, then toured with it in 2016, and now I’ve finished the video.   Wow!  I must really like this song!  It’s a pretty weird hip-hop loop song, and it’s the first time since I really started learning video editing that I’ve just let loose and been creative with a video.  The other videos I’ve put on here felt creative, don’t get me wrong, but this was the first time I got really deep into it and tried to make a singular work of art out of the video.

It’s sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!  (I had to type each one of those ‘o’s out individually, by the way.  I work so hard for you!!)  I’m pretty certain I’ve clocked at least a hundred hours work on just the video alone.  The song, well, that’s likely even more at this point.

I let my imagination run loose by first learning about storyboarding then making a storyboard while listening to the tune.  From there I set up the green screen studio in my garage (I’m lucky to have this great garage in my backyard!), and I started shooting.  Everything always takes way longer than I think it’s going to because I strive for better versions of myself constantly (which, incidentally, is sort of what this song is about).

So I like a lot of the footage I took, improved camera work, more understanding of the camera settings.  I gained understanding in greenscreen and keying.  I learned a ton about editing video, layers, frame rate.  Made costumes.  Laura Lee Jones made a puppet which I pinned to a greenscreen suit in order to have my head on its little body!!  So fun!  I even got a haircut!!!

Please watch it.  Please like it on youtube.  Please do not share the video link (yet), but if you can, pass this Patreon page along to 5 people who you think will care enough to subscribe.  I’m shooting to get the number of subscribers up to about 200, then I can perpetuate it and even maybe be able to hire some helpers so the process gets quicker and better, the art gets more focus, and my more grand ideas can become realized!!

The lyrics:

Rubbing It In© ⓟ 2014 Seth Faergolzia ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Human in a bottle and I’m rubbin’ it up to pour a cup

I wanna take a pull and drink myself up, I pour a cup

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in!

When I put a joke in, into the mental ether

I yolk the folk up and they giggle with their dental teeth

Rental cars for miles and miles

Emptying the pockets of the souls defiled

I’m ripping up the money

I’m ripping up the money

I’m ripping up the money even though my joke was funny

It made your eyes all runny and it tightened up your tummy

But I just can’t keep running like this

This isn’t bliss;  it’s like I missed the point when I rolled into the joint

To cover up the pain I could never seem to tame

But this is the time when my mind isn’t blind

And I’m finding out the kind of man I can be when I shine

I’m fine, and I’m an artist of the utmost

I roast all my past selves in an oven made of love

They cook to perfection, warm and tender, no need to defend ‘em

I gobble ‘em up and wash ‘em down with a goblet of my blood

This is self love of the highest order

This ain’t no ordinary sorb, sorb

Absorb all my past selves

Absorb all my past selves

Rubbin’ it in

Human in a bottle and I’m rubbin’ it up to pour a cup

I wanna take a pull and drink myself up, I pour a cup

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in!

Listen to this:

you might have missed out so open up your ears and take the words out of your mouth

Aw yeah, rubbin’ it in

When I was a little kid of 7 found a gun in an abandoned building, just out to have some fun

Were things any different them or have they stayed the same

Gobble up my past selves, then I change the name and I said

Aw yeah I’m rubbin’ it in, aw yeah I’m rubbin’ it in.

If I take a picture of the who I was then

And then again take picture of the me at age 10

Aw yeah, I gobbled it up

Look a couple years into the future and then

Compare to the picture of the me that was 10, and you can tell

Aw yeah, I gobbled it up

Human in a bottle and I’m rubbin’ it up to pour a cup

I wanna take a pull and drink myself up, I pour a cup

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in!

Think about it:

Think about this:

Won’t say it loud, that’d be annoying

Somehow made this song that I sing and that’s a thing

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in

Every memory, every thought you think

Can get lost or put into the mental sink and I said

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in

I’m gazing down from up above

Etherally looking at my brain with love and I said

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin it in

I reach inside with memory

Valuable, each and every piece and I said

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in.


Thanks a ton, my friends!  That’s what you are… my friends!  Because you give of yourself to help this dream come to form… and because you care enough to support who I am, my weird self, you allow me to be not only vulnerable without fear, but you also allow me to be my strongest version!

much love,


Fresh work on PATREON!!

Art-work is my lifestyle.
For most of of my career, I’ve been writing, recording, touring and composing as an independent artist, acting as booking agent, promoter, designer, engineer, secretary… and the list goes on. The work keeps me going.  The drive to create keeps me working.  If you subscribe on Patreon to my work, you’ll get insider vlogs, monthly song downloads and video releases as they are completed… before the general public.  Plus you get a look at what it’s like to be a DIY artist, up close and personal, from my home to yours.  Exclusive Faergolzia!


You get an old one from the vaults, exclusively.

Gun Pointed At You

That’s the title of this old tune from my distant past, from the days of living in NYC at See Squat.  It’s strange how clearly these lyrics hold to our present world.  I guess it’s always been the way it is, we perhaps have these waves of hope and the the destructo richies grab their piles of money and throw them at us in the form of weapons.

some nice bits of throat singing in this

some interesting melodic choices as well

i’m proud of this song

i hope you can hear it well!  it’s a low quality file, but sounds decent still, in it’s way, as a captured history, deteriorating just as any form of time capture.

it was recorded at my good friend and Dufus bandmate Mark Ospovat’s studio Emandee in Brooklyn.  Mark recorded some of my very first recordings in 1994, I believe.  I’ll have to try to dig some of those out.

the lyrics are on the soundcloud.

Would you guys like me to present more of the long time history songs?  I’ve got quite a number of them that have never been digitized.  It’s a bit of work, and I’m not sure if people want to hear that stuff.  So what do you think?  Post in the comments below please!  I’d like you to put in your 2 cents!

would you like me to work on playing this song then performing it on high quality video with perhaps better recording?  thoughts?

hugs and friendship,
