By seth faergolzia

Song #19 – Hi5

So, life happens.  We cannot predict the occurrences in our lives, and though we may have realistic plans, it’s doubtless that things will interrupt these plans once in a while.  This week’s song is not part of the #100songs project because I’ve had personal stuff to deal with, the main thing being that my 8 year old daughter has been suffering from a couple different ailments, and I’ve had to keep her home from school a few days this week.  Family first, as they say.  I’m blessed to have her in my life, and she’s a great kid.  She was very understanding and even helped me a bit this week, but I still haven’t gotten anywhere near done with the song which I had set out to complete this week, “Garbage Night.”  A lot of people at recent concerts have loved that song, so I really wanted to get it done so those people could listen to it.  Alas!  It will have to wait till next week.  In searching for something to replace it, so I could at least make good on my song a week release promise, I discovered a handful of old 23 Psaegz songs which have not had their rightful release yet… They’re so old that we seldom play any of them, so I’m putting this one out.  It’s called “Hi5”.  It came from a misunderstanding between I and a friend that led to some negativity and turbulence (which is an unusual thing in my life.  I try to get along with people and remain kind through all circumstances, which most times works fine.)  I’m happy to say that this friend and I are getting along fine now!  This song has a special place in my heart.  I hope you will enjoy it!  It was mixed by Matt Broadstone and performed by 23 Psaegz including Payton Marovich, Laura Lee Jones, Brett Gobe, Carla Bartow, Joyce Britton, Shaun Jones, Regina Huynh, Neeti Fidurko, and Shannon Scally in 2011.

High Five © ⓟ 2014 Seth Faergolzia, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Opened the vent
An event for composing

Oh no, the anger, I’m sorry
It’s hard to see you as a real person
Oh no, not anger, I’m sorry
It’s hard to see you as a real person

This broken high five
You’re in there
I know you’re alive
Each broken high five
You’re in there
I know you’re alive

Get some wood glue
To clump the crack up
Glue together this broken five
We’ll slap our hands together
When it’s all over
Yeah it’s alright
Yeah it’s alright

You’re alive
You’ve just fallen down
Take some time
It will work it out
All in time
It will work it out

This broken high five
You’re in there
I know you’re alive
We’ll slap our hands together
When it’s all over
Yeah it’s alright
Yeah it’s alright


(Improvised song part “Cloun Drip”)


A silly, blurry pic of the band that performed this song.

Song #18 – A Monster On the Radio


Running a bit behind this week, friend, but I have still gotten the song completed and feeling good about it!  18 songs so far!  Oh my!  I had no idea how difficult this project would be, but I’m finding my way through, and learning a ton about myself as an artist and about how to craft a good recording.  I think the knowledge I gain through this year of labor will make me the artist I’ve yearned to be for years!  Struggling to keep up because I’ve started two new projects this week in addition to the song project.  I’ve added a horn section to the 23 Psaegz band and have begun rehearsing them, and I’ve started work on the puppets for my rock opera, which we are planning on premiering at the end of this summer at the Purple Pig Music Festival.  Here’s a pic of 2 puppet designs:


I highly suggest booking a ticket and making the journey.  We will be performing all three nights of the festival with our 8 foot puppets!!  It’ll be spectacular!!!  That’s why I’m running late this week…. better late than never though!  and with such a good song.  I really have grown to love this one as I’ve gotten to know it better these past few days.  I hope you will love it too!!

A Monster On the Radio © ⓟ 2014 Seth Faergolzia, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

An elephant and a clown
Silly Billy monkeying not wearing a frown

And as they set off on it
They knew each carried each

A pickle on the radio
And a buck for a dozen
Gonna make it yo
Give a shout out to my cousin
On the radio
On the radio
On the radio

Yo Cuz!  Here I come
Jump in the sun
I be making a run
We’ll be having some fun
Here in the sun
I feel at one
With my future and past
What I am and what I’ve not done yet

A pickle on the radio
And a buck for a dozen
Gonna make it yo
Give a shout out to my cousin
On the radio
A monster on the radio

Everyone is helpless
All falling and subject to it
Draw a perfect circle
Somehow you would say it too
Everything is perfect
Everyone is helpful
Anything is possible
Any ice is popsicle

An elephant and a clown
Silly Billy monkeying not wearing a frown

Everything is perfect
Anything is possible
At least the fact
That nothing isn’t probable

A monster on the radio
I made it, yo
I put my mind to it
And I’m in the throes of an awesome blow
Goes nice and slow
The rhythm, we somehow already know
No practice, nothing to know
Just go and go
A determined man, I’m a determined man
A determined man, I’m a determined man
I have a plan
Spreading kindness ‘cross the land
I’m like the bearded oaf
In the wizard movie you can’t help but vote for
Because his soft-hearted nature
Is somehow naive yet endearing for sure
I really believe
I really believe in it, really believe in it.

An elephant and a clown
Silly Billy monkeying not wearing a frown

A monster on the radio
I made it, yo
I put my mind to it
And I’m in the throes of an awesome blow
Goes nice and slow
The rhythm, we somehow already know
No practice, nothing to know
Just go and go
A determined man, I’m a determined man
A determined man, I’m a determined man
I have a plan
Spreading kindness ‘cross the land
I’m like the bearded oaf
In the wizard movie you can’t help but vote for
Because his soft-hearted nature
Is somehow naive yet endearing for sure
I really believe
I really believe in it, really believe in it.

Everyone is helpless
All falling and subject to it
Draw a perfect circle
Somehow you would say it too
Everything is perfect
Everyone is helpful
Anything is possible
Any ice is popsicle

An elephant and a clown
Silly Billy monkeying not wearing a frown

Everything is perfect
Anything is possible
At least the fact
That nothing isn’t probable

An elephant and a clown
Silly Billy monkeying not wearing a frown


Song #17 – Hot Sh!t 4eva

Splendiferously bubbling heart goobers!  It’s a great delight to finish this one.  This started at a 23 Psaegz rehearsal sometime late last year.  We were once a very large band, but in recent months we’ve been going through changes, sometimes smaller rehearsals have led to strange collaborations like this one.  There were four of us, I think, Laura Lee Jones, Joseph Schmidlin, Brett Gobe, Reilly Cook and myself (though my memory imagines one more person there).  We made this funny waltz in 7.  If that weren’t strange enough, my friend Dan Sieradski of the Self Agency (without whom, this website would not exist) and I were having a conversation regarding the nature of hip hop.  He said to me hip hop must be in 4/4 time.  I challenged him and said that hip hop simply hasn’t had much stuff in odd time signatures, but it doesn’t HAVE to be in 4/4.  He disagreed vehemently.  I had to meet the challenge, and how better than with a waltz in 7??  This one is kind of a 7/4 waltz, well actually it’s in 7/8 at 78bpm, haha.  I think I’ve risen to the challenge.  Hopefully you all will agree.  I think it’s worked out amazingly.  Supreme inspiration comes from visiting unknown worlds.  I hope you’ll enjoy it!   There’s reference to a tape I made about 30 years ago with a friend, my first recorded compositions under the title, “Masters of the Universe.”  I probably have the only surviving copy of that stuff (thankfully).  I hope this one will put a smile on your face.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the folks struggling in Baltimore and Nepal this week.

Hot Sh!t 4eva – © ⓟ 2014 Seth Faergolzia, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Hot Shit, foreva

Hot shit, oh!  Alright

Hot Shit Foreva!


Hot Shit, yeah!  Foreva!

Yeah yeah yeah


This is not hip-hop

Who let that beat drop?

Who dropped the beat?

That wasn’t me.

I been making music since I was 3

Writing rhymes since I’s a teen

Day of LL, Fatboys, Run DMC

Later Public Enemy

Recorded my first demo, “Masters of the Universe” in a karaoke mall booth

Hadn’t even got me last adult tooth yet

But that’s youth, Brett

They grab ahold and do without a clue.


Hot Shit, foreva

Hot shit, oh!  Alright

Hot Shit Foreva!


Hot Shit, yeah!  Foreva!

Yeah yeah yeah


Yeah Yeah

When I get an A for thinking

It’s not like I did anything

I was like, “Kafoolduboppylee duffle, Kafoolduboppylee duffle!”

I said, “Kafoolduboppylee duffle”

They said, “Hot Shit, Yeah”

I was like, “not hot yet”

I was just getting started

Building this mechanized heart of gold

Just wait till I’m old

That shit will unfold

Splendiferously bubbling with butterfly shoulders

and trousers of cloud unfurling

Like they plowed the sky with giant horse drawn jacuzzis on maximum spin

You win, my twin, let it begin, ain’t no sin, just dive in, let it begin

You win, my friend, let it begin, ain’t no sin, just dive in, let it begin, my friend


Hot Shit, foreva

Hot shit, oh!  Alright

Hot Shit Foreva!


Hot Shit, yeah!  Foreva!

Yeah yeah yeah


I’m seeing double

Troubled inside

Thoughts collide

a husband and bride

Full of narcissistic pride

how far is this ride?

I wanta get off

I hack and cough

I’m actin’ rough

I puff my chest and raise my shoulders up

I ain’t no pup, I am a dog

I poop a log

The Bane of Paul Bunyan

The rain that made you run in

The pain that put your thumb in

Your mouth is always running

But not a word of it is cunning

It’s like drool from a fool

Forming a pool atop the Bunyan Stool

I sometimes think it sounds like a muppet singing,

“Kafoolduboppylee duffle, Kafoolduboppylee duffle!”


Hot Shit, foreva

Hot shit, oh!  Alright

Hot Shit Foreva!


Hot Shit, yeah!  Foreva!

Yeah yeah yeah


City Newspaper

A couple months back City Newspaper in Rochester (where I live) did this cover story of me.  It was the first time I was ever put on the cover of a paper!   What an honor!!!


You can read it here:

Song #16 – I Want It Easy

I’m in the middle of organizing over 40 people for 3 different projects.  I’m starting a choir, a wind/horn section for my band 23 Psaegz, and a crew of people to make and operate puppets for my rock opera performance this summer.  A ton of work… so, I’m cheating a little this week and giving you guys a previously unreleased song, but it’s not part of the #100songs I wrote in the end of last year.  I hope you will forgive me!  I’m overwhelmed, but I still want to make good on my promise of a new song each week.  This is one I recorded as part of my solo album, Doubting Won’t Do.  I had to cut one song to make that album the right length… Here it is, complete with a piece of art by Adam Green, my good friend who generously donated some of his artwork to the album cover.

Busy Bees!

Spring is here and I’m hard at work getting songs recorded and mixed for my #100songs project. If you’ve not subscribed, it might be in your best interest to do so now! You can get a ton of songs and support an artist working diligently to create beauty. If you scroll through the news feed here you’ll find a number of songs for free download and streaming. Grab ’em up!! Thanks for coming to the site, and extra thanks to you if you’ve already subscribed. This is becoming one of the most inspired and creative times of my life thanks to you and your support. photo 1

Song #15 – High Diver

Collaboration! So in the process of writing #100songs I took all sorts of routes to a finished work each day. This one was a collaboration of sorts. Laura Lee Jones offered me a packet of poems she had written as fodder for my process, and I accepted. I’ve always had trouble reading poetry even though I write quite a bit. I’m more of a fantasy / sci fi novel sorta guy… This process has helped me to dig pretty deeply into a poem that wasn’t my own. Laura is a great artist, whatever she sets her mind to. These lyrics inspired what I believe to be an awesome song… and it’s interesting that I did more vocal affectation with this one, I think because I didn’t have to focus on the personal meaning I was putting into it. I kept it simple with the production because the voices seemed enough. I hope you’ll enjoy this one as much as I do!

HIGH DIVER – © ⓟ 2014 Seth Faergolzia, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

first perched and stretched:

long arcs of the limbs extended

the the sudden jump

body folds into itself

into the shape

of an arrow head

into a fetal pose

toes pointed

spiraling plunging replacing air water

body eliminated

from its first version

somehow lost in a moment of weightless

space — released

becomes a polished stone

armed with the substance

of speed or the moving waves

somehow the proclivity of a dive

the long plummet somehow a bird and fish at once

Song #14 – Running Blood

This week’s song is a quiet and calming one. I’m happy when I’m able to write something like this; it brings me the same calm, and life has been hectic for me lately so it comes in handy! The instrument I’ve used came right after Christmas 2014. Laura’s mother had given her this chime thing for the holiday and Laura suggested I try writing something on it. Since I was about 90 songs into the 100songs project I was quite open to the idea of doing anything new. New instrument can sometimes mean a different sort of inspiration. This beaut came out of that effort. It’s always nice to spend time on a new instrument. You learn things about music in general. I try not to spread myself too thin with tons of different instruments, but it sure is nice to see what I can do with something unfamiliar. I hope you’ll enjoy this as much as I do!


Running blood, across generations
How our love crosses generations
Transcends time, pass from life to life
Family line, bloods entwine

Bloods entwine, mix from race to race
Bloods combine, blend from face to face
Every line is a joy to trace
Back over time, Bloods entwine

Combine with every race
Combine with every face
form from every face into one

If we can keep it in our heads
Then we can keep it in our hearts
And our mind will combine to one
We will return back to one

Don’t hurt your brother
He may one day help you out
Don’t harm your sister
She knows what your life’s about
Treat him kind, treat her kind
Treat them well, they’re your blood
Running blood

Song #13 – Rucubrious Bundle

Pleasure! Delight! Gratitude! It has been a very busy week in my life, playing 4 shows and releasing this song, it’s a wonder I stay sane. The way it happens is because I’m doing what I feel meant for. It’s a wonderworld. Welcome to Miscellaneous April! I will be releasing random songs rather than the themed months (with computer, then band stuff, then loop stuff thus far) This song, I hope you’ll enjoy. It’s one of the only ones I’ve written and recorded solely with the computer. Gotta get outside with my daughter, it’s the first warm day! Enjoy!


Hey pretty girl you’ve been driving me crazy
There’s a sun and it’s showing in your eyes
Me, I’m making up a story with the hope to tell it
In the hope, in the hopes that you’ll smile

Once upon a moment in time under the bottles
Toddler bobbled to and fro bumping into events
Body made of rubber, mental full of love
Mental full of love I am not wearing gloves

Push a pin into a bottle cork and stop it up
They held the market up, they stopped the market up
Push a pin into a city on a map and prop it up
A city isn’t very much

Hey pretty girl you’ve been driving me crazy
There’s a sun and it’s showing in your eyes
Me, I’m making up a story with the hope to tell it
In the hope, in the hopes that you’ll smile

Hey pretty girl you’ve been driving me crazy
There’s a hope, there’s a hope in your eye
Me and you ought to be having a baby,
Just waiting for the time that’s right

Hey pretty girl you’ve been driving me crazy
There’s a hope, there’s a hope in your eye
You and me have a story, we have yet to tell it
But I hope in the hopes that you’ll smile

Push a pin into a bottle cork and stop it up
They held the market up, they stopped the market up
Push a pin into a city on a map and prop it up
A city isn’t very much

With a pin in hole, make a dice roll
Sometimes you feel whole, sometimes you feel old
Not finding any gold,
That’s when you have to take a hold and declare it as your own!

Hey pretty girl you’ve been driving me crazy
There is hope and hope never dies
You and me, together we stand, the strength of we
And we take it to a distant land
Raise your rifle up and play the song of the glad

Push a pin into a bottle cork and stop it up
Push a pin into a city on a map and prop it up
A city isn’t very much

Hey pretty girl you’ve been driving me crazy
There’s a hope, there’s a hope in your eye
Me, I’m making up a story with the hope to tell it
In the hope, in the hopes that you’ll smile

Hey pretty girl you’ve been driving me crazy
There’s a sun in your eyes
Me, I’m making up a story with the hope to tell it
In the hope, in the hopes that you’ll smile

With a pin in hole,
Make a dice roll
Not finding any gold,
That’s when you have to take a hold and declare it as your own!

Song #12 – Bobble People

This one was a doozy. It actually still is a doozy, but in a different way. I’m starting to get into the material I haven’t gotten to work on previous to the recording project, so what I’m doing each week is to learn the song from the original sketch recording, getting it to performance level, then recording it in my studio. This one was different though; it had so many parts that to memorize it all in a matter of days was impossible so I recorded it section by section then edited it all together in the studio. A bit of cheating, but I really had no choice in the situation. This song is still a doozy because it is a part of my humor that not many people get to see (because, believe it or not, I am a bit shy until I get really comfortable around someone). I’m a little scared to release this one because of its irreverence and ridiculous stance, but I think it’s important because part of this project of writing #100songs involved writing whatever I felt at any moment then seeing it through to the end. I love this song, don’t get me wrong; I just worry that I might lose some subscribers because of the content! haha. That being said, have a listen and enjoy! Please commment and tell me what you think this story is about.


My bowels just emptied completely, testicle

And when the world doesn’t care, oo, how does this affect me?
Bawk Bukawk

If I don’t care about the world it won’t attack again
I’m broke, it won’t attack
I’ve grown, I’m good to go, don’tcha know?
Headed to the Poconos for a swim in the snow
Feel the wind blow, Glowing from a trim to my fro
Oh no! Don’t throw that mohawk down
This town ain’t big enough for another shortly shorn bro with a frown
Don’t throw that mohawk down, don’t cut it down, no, bro

Wiccans are headed my way, the Wiccans are headed my way
Don’t know what I done but they after me!
Not really sure what I’ll say when they come up to me
Probably be like, “Hey, nice day, what’dya say?
Is it time that I pay? or am I craycray?”
Thinking this is the day that they came for me
My body will spray uncontrollably all over the place
Like a lawn blazer, a lawnblazer, now there’s a nice idea!

Believe it or not, Wiccans aren’t really evil like you think
They just wanna coexist and subsist on nuts and berries like the rest of us
If you put one of them next to a Christian or a Buddhist
And stripped them of their external layers
You’d find they were players, fucking players like the rest of us

If you get right down to it sharks just want to be loved
They didn’t choose the teeth they were given to chew
There was no choice in the chew
They didn’t choose those sharp fucking teeth to rip flesh with
There was no choice in the chew
So next time you go and judge a book by its cover
Just give it a hug and hope you don’t see blood
It’s always important to never remember
There was no choice in the chew
There was no choice in the chew, uh!

Bobble People
When you bobble too many people