By seth faergolzia

OFFICIAL VIDEO for “Garbage Night” (certain to bring a smile to your face)

Wow, this has been a long time coming!  We’ve finally finished the music video for Garbage Night!!  It’s one I started work on almost a year ago with my friend, videographer Alex Freeman.  He’s won countless awards here in Rochester for his fine work.  Alex was a pleasure to work with, and he and I plan on bringing more and more videos to you in this manner.   It’s really satisfying to finally give this to you!  We’re keeping it private for Patrons only right now and will most likely be releasing it out into the world in about a month so please do not share it, but do invite friends to subscribe.  I’ve made it my goal to get up to 100 subscribers by the end of May!


Here’s a link to the song if you’d like to DOWNLOAD AUDIO

… and here’s a link to the PERCUSSION ONLY VERSION


The percussion is also really cool because all the instruments were found metal pieces from garbage picking.  After finding all these cool pieces of metal that made nice sounds, my daughter and I sampled them and put them into a sequencer so that I could make electronic music out of it!

My daughter and her best friend are in this video quite a bit.  From the time my little girl could talk, she was always fascinated with finding “treasure” on the street, be it a bead or an old broken toy or a sparkle, she was always picking things up, just like her father before her, just like his mother before him.  Three generations of people who love to dig around in other peoples’ refuse to find things which are still of use.

It’s my opinion that we are creating too much waste in this world.  We have so much stuff, just piling up in our homes.  Everyone has a pile of plastic bags.  We’ve got useless things, or single use things stacking on top of each other on our shelves, shoved in cellars, piled in attics.  People pay money for things they could easily find, or they buy it new though they could easily find the same thing used at a thrift store.  I’ve always loved creating art using junk I found on the street.  Building cool looking things at no cost but the labor.

When I was a kid (as the story goes in the song) I really did collect a bunch of electronics and put them all into a foot locker, connected them all and plugged them in.  It is a fond memory.  I loved that machine I built.  I feel like that was the start of my creative drive, a turning point in my life.

Anyway, I hope you will love this video so much you’ll click “like”, make comments, and spread the word about this Patreon page.  I need more subscribers to really make it work, and the only way I seem to be able to get them is if the word of mouth grows.

Thanks piles for your support.  It means a ton to me that you would put your hard earned money in as support to my art.  I’ll take it as far as I can!!

Loop Painting #3 – live performance

Thank you all for subscribing! You’re so amazing, helping me accomplish dreams. I really like the way this one turned out. It was my first time ever doing a live loop painting… oh, besides one time at a house show in Frankfurt, Germany, but somehow this one was more formal. I made a plan to make the painting and loop simultaneously in front of humans! It was wild and nerve wracking, but I made it through. All the music was completely improvised and the painting was not pre-planned. It took about an hour. The video you’re getting is all that boiled down to under 4 minutes ( i think), and down below this paragraph you can get a longer version of just audio. Both are really cool. I hope you dig.


20 MINUTE LOOP AUDIO: (just click and download)

This month I plan on definitely and for sure releasing the GARBAGE NIGHT video! It’s been many months in the works, and I think you’ll all love it! Besides that we’re having a big event at Anthology here in Rochester, an all day festival sort of thing raising money and awareness for causes I believe in! Yay!



A Drawing and a Song

I realized I could make a sort of stop motion video if I set my camera to rapid fire with enough time for my hand to get on and off the screen before the next shot.  I drew this picture in 1020 strokes!  Each stroke was between 4 second shots on the camera.  I then put it all into the program I use for video editing, shrunk it down to one minute, repeated it twice with effect tweaks and put my song “Stars On the Pavement” on it.  It took quite a bit more work than expected, but every time I do something new, I learn something new!!  That’s the spirit of innovation!!  I hope you’ll all enjoy!

Subscribe here to get all the video and new music I create as I create it!!

23 Whensdays at Flour City Station

Seth Faergolzia & the 23 Psaegz are proud to host a weekly residency “23 WHENSDAYS” for four weeks on Wednesdays in March! We will be having weekly givaways and new material premieres each week plus one other band and one solo artist along for the ride!!! Check out all the awesomeness below….

March 1 with Personal Blend and The Crooked North Trio
March 8 with Ocular Panther and Jackson Cavalier
March 15 with Folkfaces and Roger Kuhn
March 22 with Whitewoods and MdotCoop
… with projections by Colonel Parmisan / Brian Blatt

If you make it for all 4 weeks you’ll get a free goodie bag including poster, 2 CDs, stickers, buttons and a couple other random things!

High Diver Video Collaboration

Whoa, cool!  This is just so awesome.  I’ve gotten to be involved in this wonderful and strange collaboration…  firstly, during the #100songs project I came up with a fun technique to get a few songs written in one day.  What I did was to make a sonic background consisting of very common pop music chord structures that repeated repeatedly.  Repeating repeatedly for the length of about 15 minutes.  I would then write a song from beginning to end over this sonic background.  I would take a break, then come back and write another song… most of these had two vocal parts that harmonized then keyboards and guitars or whatever I deemed to add.  Some really cool songs came from that #100songs project.  As a subscriber to this page you get all 50 of the fully produced songs that came out of that project.  
In exhausting my verbal tank during this endeavor, I asked my partner, Laura Lee Jones, if I could use some of her poetry for a song.  She gave me a stack, and being the songwriter I am, I took the one with the fewest words 🙂  High Diver… the song was born!!  
A couple months after finishing the project I happened upon a cool video by my friends Holy Sheboygan  and Dheff Films  (you can see the video here) so decided to drop them a line and see where they were at… sent them a few songs and serendipitously they happened to be planning a docusic video (documentaray / music video) about Dana Kunze.  I was like, “wow!”
They wanted to get me into the video as an actor too, but alas, I was in San Francisco on artist residency at the Convent so couldn’t get to (I think it was) Minnesota (?)… hmm… anyway, couldn’t get to the video shoot with Dana, but I will be meeting with him this summer in Lake George and hopefully planning a music show with high dives.  Maybe a sequel to the video?  Gotta find the right venue…
Very pumped about this one.  I hope you’ll join in with us spreading it far and wide.  There’s a way to get it out there, but it takes a bit of effort.  Hopefully you’ll join in bringing this art to the world.  We thank you for viewing.

NEW VIDEO – House Show

Been a lot of work to put this pretty thing together.  It gives me a smile almost all the way through just to see the joy in peoples’ faces and the fun stuff that got captured in these few short sessions of filming live performances at Meddlesome Lab.  I’ve been helping to run shows at that place for nearly 10 years now, so this song certainly has a special place in my heart.  I hope you will watch the video and glean just a bit of the cultural enrichment I’ve been blessed to recieve through such a space.  Thanks to all my subscribers for making this sort of thing possible.  I think the videos are only going to improve as I learn how to use my camera properly and get better at editing and animation!

100songs project COMPLETE!

Hi folks! I am proud to say I have completed my work on the #100songs project. This has been quite an endeavor and has spanned about 2 years’ time, but it is now complete. I set out to write 100 songs, which I did. Then I said I would release 50 of those songs, fully produced and mixed, which I’ve now done! Without you, my faithful subscribers, I would be nowhere near done with this. It took me a bit longer than expected, but what project isn’t that way?
Now comes your part in the creative process… I would like to ask you to follow this link and download all the songs into whatever it is you listen to music with, give it all a listen and tell me which songs you think would work best in a music video!! My next step is to create 10 videos from the top most chosen songs by you!! I have to admit, I’ve already started working on the video for Garbage Night (hoping to complete it by the end of this month) and, as you know, have completed the video for House Show.
These videos are only going to get better. I’m educating myself daily on video recording and editing techniques and am busting my butt to get this content out there!! I’ve got a green screen studio set up in the garage and a black curtain hung in my recording studio. I’ve bought a really nice camera and have the video editing software necessary. I think all the pieces are in place!
Will you please check out the songs we’ve all recorded and tell us which ones you think could make a good video in the comments section of this? If it’s too much to come up with 10, just tell me one or three! If you have ideas of how the video would be shot, by all means, put in your 2 cents, and we will see if we can take your dreams and form them! I want to give back to you for all you’ve given to me.
If you have any trouble with the download process, by all means, let me know, and I’ll do what I can to help you figure it out!
Thanks a ton. I’m so happy this day has come!!!!