By seth faergolzia

Song #11 – Cowgirl

This one was pretty fun to write and has become a fan favorite even without the recording.  People come up to me after shows quite often saying they loved that song Cowgirl.  Haha.  If they only knew.  I actually just made this one up while driving around in the car with my daughter and Laura.  I was joking around.  My daughter kept on saying, “Cowboy!” but I insisted that I was a cowgirl, not a cowboy.  I just recorded it onto my phone for the memory, but it stuck in my head so when I arrived home I started developing it.  All the songs this month are loop songs, meaning I wrote them using a loop pedal. I have also kept to a “voice only” rule system, meaning I am only singing, but I’m using some effects and the loop pedal. The outcome is choral, a capella insanity! Once in a while there’s a song I don’t really care about at the start that through development becomes one of my favorites.  This is one of those. It was just me goofing off, but it grew.  I also have a nifty dance to this one.  I’m hoping I can get together with some videographer friends of mine to make a dance video to this.  I was thinking it’s about time I write my first line dance 😉

COWGIRL – © ⓟ 2014 Seth Faergolzia,  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

I am a cowgirl staying out late

I am a cowgirl feeling really great

I am a cowgirl dressed so fine

I stay out til nine!


I am a cowgirl riding my steed

I am a cowgirl ride it with speed

I can do anything I want

Cowgirl, cowgirl, cowgirl


I am a cowgirl riding with a cowboy

Ride that steed till the setting sun

dig our heels in and get the colt to run


I am a cowgirl, wear a nice vest

I am a cowgirl, never take a rest

Ride across the plains right into the wild west

I ride into the sunset,  what I do best.

Cowgirl, cowgirl, cowgirl


I am a cowgirl, feeling really cool

I am a cowgirl, it’s what I like to do

I am a cowgirl, really really great

I am a cowgirl, super super late


Clippitty cloppitty clippity cloo, rollin’ down a horse on a road, yo!


I am a cowgirl feeling really great

I am a cowgirl staying out late

I am a cowgirl dressed so fine

I stay out till nine!


Song #10 – Row, Row, Row (aka Singing Through My Nose)

Recording and mixing live vocal looping is harder than one might think! Creating the sound of a live performance; it’s off the page…

One fifth through the project for this year! I’ve made good on my promise of a new recording every week. I hope you folks will spread the word. I’d like to keep this independent of other large money making subscription sites etc, but I need exposure. Here’s the video link if you’d like to help out by sharing:

To the song! I’ve had an interesting time getting the sounds I want out of the loop pedal. From live to studio is no easy feat! I’m glad to say Row, Row, Row (aka Singing Through My Nose) feels good enough to put up this week. It’s taken on a slightly different life since, in the studio, I can easily add things. I did stay within the borders of “voice only” which means everything on this track is my voice, though there are effects on parts of it.

I’d like to especially thank Laura Lee Jones this week.  She has been incredibly supportive through this process, which has not been easy.

I’m trying out Soundcloud this week for the project. Please let me know if it works ok for you. You can download the track up at the right hand corner of the player.

Row, Row, Row (aka Singing Through My Nose) – © ⓟ 2014 Seth Faergolzia ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

You name the date, I’ll name the place
You wear a hat, I’ll wear the face
And when you’re rowing, I’ll do the yelling
Row, Row, Row, Row
And when you’re yelling, I’ll do the rowing

Singing through my nose, you know how it goes
Wading through water and lillypads are tickling my toes

Never mind you what I said
Soon your eyes be turning red
from the books I told you
Thought you woulda knowed you
But I had to scold you for the hold you had around my neck
had your fingers wrapped around my neck
And there’s no excuse for what you did
But it is in my nature as a friend to forgive and forget
Forgive and forget
Just let it go, let it go, let it go
We all make mistakes, we are human made out of mistake
Just let it go, let it go and give ’em a break

Forgive and forget, just let it go

Hard at it and deep in it.

Deep into the process of recording this week’s song, “Singing Through My Nose”, and a bunch of improvised loop segments. Got the candle burning. Dark lighting. Not my typical session. Need a cool down from the frantic mind. There’ve been some roadblocks and glitches in this project… getting the website functional. It’s almost at a smooth level, like a rough takeoff. Finally, we are leveling off above the clouds somewhere. This should hopefully give me the leisure to fully focus on making good artwork, like I’m meant to.

Loops for the General Public #1

This is a little extra recording for my higher paying subscribers.  During the process of recording my loop songs, I spend a bunch of time improvising and hashing out different ideas.  This is one of those improvised shorts.  There will probably be a whole bunch of these released over the course of the year… Enjoy!

Download Right-click and select “Save as…”

Song #9 – Rubbin’ It In

The Month of the Loop has begun!  Today is my BIRTHDAY!!!  I don’t know if you all have noticed yet, but my first month of this project was all computer recordings, the 2nd month was all band and acoustic sort of stuff, and this month will be all loops!  I’m excited because this stuff is so much easier to mix than the full band 24 instrument productions. Everything on here is my voice. First I recorded a loop with my voice, live in studio, then I layered my main vocals over that.

Download Right-click and select “Save as…”

Rubbing It In© ⓟ 2014 Seth Faergolzia ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Human in a bottle and I’m rubbin’ it up to pour a cup

I wanna take a pull and drink myself up, I pour a cup

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in!


When I put a joke in, into the mental ether

I yolk the folk up and they giggle with their dental teeth

Rental cars for miles and miles

Emptying the pockets of the souls defiled

I’m ripping up the money

I’m ripping up the money

I’m ripping up the money even though my joke was funny

It made your eyes all runny and it tightened up your tummy

But I just can’t keep running like this

This isn’t bliss;  it’s like I missed the point when I rolled into the joint

To cover up the pain I could never seem to tame

But this is the time when my mind isn’t blind

And I’m finding out the kind of man I can be when I shine

I’m fine, and I’m an artist of the utmost

I roast all my past selves in an oven made of love

They cook to perfection, warm and tender, no need to defend ’em

I gobble ’em up and wash ’em down with a goblet of my blood

This is self love of the highest order

This ain’t no ordinary sorb, sorb

Absorb all my past selves

Absorb all my past selves

Rubbin’ it in


Human in a bottle and I’m rubbin’ it up to pour a cup

I wanna take a pull and drink myself up, I pour a cup

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in!


Listen to this:

you might have missed out so open up your ears and take the words out of your mouth

Aw yeah, rubbin’ it in

When I was a little kid of 7 found a gun in an abandoned building, just out to have some fun

Were things any different them or have they stayed the same

Gobble up my past selves, then I change the name and I said

Aw yeah I’m rubbin’ it in, aw yeah I’m rubbin’ it in.


If I take a picture of the who I was then

And then again take picture of the me at age 10

Aw yeah, I gobbled it up

Look a couple years into the future and then

Compare to the picture of the me that was 10, and you can tell

Aw yeah, I gobbled it up


Human in a bottle and I’m rubbin’ it up to pour a cup

I wanna take a pull and drink myself up, I pour a cup

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in!


Think about it:

Think about this:

Won’t say it loud, that’d be annoying

Somehow made this song that I sing and that’s a thing

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in

Every memory, every thought you think

Can get lost or put into the mental sink and I said

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in

I’m gazing down from up above

Etherally looking at my brain with love and I said

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin it in

I reach inside with memory

Valuable, each and every piece and I said

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in

Aw yeah, I’m rubbin’ it in.

Song #8 – Rainy Morning

Oh, my glory, this song is one of my life’s favorites. As soon as I wrote it, I knew we would be together for a long time… I wrote Rainy Morning as one of the very first songs of the #100songs project. It was on a beautiful early Autumn day after dropping my daughter off at school and walking home in a light misting rain. It was just a perfect and lovely morning. I walked in and picked up the pen and paper, wrote the words and went up to bed for a nap. After the nap I wrote the music to the lyrics. I didn’t think it was going to be good, and actually it didn’t even seem like a very good song as I was writing it, but when I reviewed it a day or two later I couldn’t stop playing it. It has been that way since.

I feel extremely lucky to have great musicians who surround me in my life. On this track I was blessed with the drumming of Dominic Marini (who I actually met at a show I was playing because he loved the song), the banjo playing of Shaun Jones (a member of Heck Yup and 23 Psaegz), and Michaele Lynne Jacot (a friend of 23 Psaegz tuba player Brett Gobe, and now a friend of mine as well!). The rest of the instruments and voices are mine, ha! Thank you all for subscribing. You’re helping me make dreams come true!

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C         F   C       Dmin    G   F
Rainy morning, slow me down
C                 F   C        Dmin    G   F
Make me thoughtful, make me peaceful
C             F   C   Dmin       G   F
Calm my spirit, make me thankful
C                 G  C
I’m dry and home
C                 G  C
I’m dry and home
C                 F
I’m dry and home

G      C
Rainy days make the plants grow
G    C
Make the soil fresh
C               F   C
Bring life forward
G     C
Give me an excuse to nap

C                    F   C      Dmin    G   F
Gray cloudy morning, slow me down
C               F   C   Dmin    G   F
Make me sleepy, let me rest
C            F   C   Dmin    G   F
Give me calm, grow my spirit
C                 G  C
I’m dry and home
C                  G  C
I’m dry and home
C                 F
I’m dry and home

G      C
Rainy days make the plants grow
G    C
Make the soil fresh
C               F   C
Bring life forward
C              F   C
Bring life forward
C                 F   C
Bring life forward!!!

C    Emin       Amin      F
C    Emin       Amin      F
Though sometimes it’s tough to feel down
Let the weather go and push me around
The sound of the gentle, lulling pitter patter
As the sum of all the single splatters
Lets my mind rest and disintegrate
For the rest of my morning
C               F             Amin                 F
All I do is, all I do is dream, dream, dream

C    Emin       Amin      F
C    Emin       Amin      F
Rainy morning, slow me down
Make me thoughtful, make me peaceful
Grow my spirit, make me thankful
I’m dry and home

C    Emin       Amin      F
Rainy days make the plants grow
Make the soil fresh
Bring life upward
Give me an excuse to nap and dream

C    Emin       Amin      F
Gray cloudy morning, slow me down
Make me sleepy
C    Emin       Amin      F
The sound of your gentle, lulling pitter patter
As the sum of all the single splatters
Lets my mind rest and disintegrate
For the rest of my morning
C               F             Amin                F
All I do is, all I do is dream, dream, dream

C                          Emin                   Amin                 F
All I wanna do is, all I wanna do is dream, dream, dream!

C    Emin       Amin      F
Rainy morning, slow me down
Make me thoughtful, make me peaceful
Calm my spirit, make me thankful
I’m dry and home


Songs #6, 7, & 8 – House Show, Berlin & Rainy Morning

Song #6 – House Show

Great pleasure! This song took a ton of hours to complete. It’s the first of the 23 Psaegz songs that I’ve done as part of this song of the week project. It was written during the #100songs series, so it counts. I wrote “House Show” the morning after a sweet show in September with Diane Cluck and some other awesome artists including Ken’s Last Ever Radio Extravaganza and Cammy Enaharo.

Song #7 – Berlin

This song was written about my experiences in Berlin over the past 10 years. Many references to friends and places I’ve been. Compositionally, one of my most challenging projects.

Song #8 – Rainy Morning

This is one of the best songs I have ever written; likewise, it’s one of my favorite recordings to date including French Horn, Banjo and an array of beautiful sounds.

NON-MEMBERS CLICK HERE to access the song.

MEMBERS CLICK HERE to listen and download.


Photo of Heck Yup by Bob Civil.