Tagged collaboration

Song #35 – Woggy Woeggy Gwoo – 100songs

Happy New Year 2016 to all my 100songs subscribers!  What an experience this year has been.  We are all growing and learning… always learning if we allow for it in our lives.  I know as I grow older, the tendency to grow more stubborn and think that I know what’s right grows and shrinks simultaneously.  In my twenties I felt strongly that the revolution I dreamed up was the right one for the human race.  What I soon learned was that the rest of the human race was thinking differently and there was no single way for all of us.  Its freeing to learn that you don’t actually have to be the one to single-handedly save the world.  The world may need saving, but we can all only do our singular part.  I aim to live right by those around me and to make conscious choices rather than blindly accept what’s placed before me by the media machine and every other controlling giant in this world.  My little rebellion might make huge waves far in the distant future, just as many others in our history.  Only time tells truly.

This song #35 of 100songs, entitled Woggy Woeggy Gwoo, was a heck-of-a-lotta fun to make with Laura Lee Jones.  We took turns putting our ideas forth… what it yielded was superior weirdness!  I think it needs and can have no explanation, really.  Just give it a listen and let me know what you think!  I hope your year was wonderful and that this upcoming one grants great growth gregariously upon your wonderbrow.

Woggy Woeggy Gwoo – © ⓟ 2014 Seth Faergolzia, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Woggy Woeggy Gwoo
We weebi guau
Wobby Gwoe
Woggy Woeggy Gwoo
We weebi guau
That’s what they said

I picked up a pocket
It was locked, goddammit!
Maw, this sucks
Oh fuck
Ralph and Larry
Those hairballs!
Spacing out on Zenith Garbitrobe
Humans all around
Spacing on the sound of human garba-trolls

Slurp, slurp
Moths, all brown and hairy
Boss, it’s really scary!
Zub Zub Zub
Moths in my obituary!

(scary gun sound)



And then, the horror!
The picture of a naked horse
Showing me his nethers
Nevermind the weather
Warm worms
Turns out they were caterpillars
Wiggling around on 4 legs
Not wooden pegs
Who you callin’ a ho?
You pirates
Yup, of course
Silly horses
Crazy naked horse pirates in space

The moths and moth avengers
(scary gun sound)

Woggy Woeggy Gwoo
We weebi guau
Wobby Gwoe
Woggy Woeggy Gwoo
We weebi guau
That’s what they said


(scary gun sound)
That’s what they said

Here’s what else they said:

Hey Larry!
Who in the heck is that in the yellow hat?
Oh that’s just me
In my telephone underwear
Blinky blinky doo
Dooky doo, dooky doo

(jazz scat solo section)
(scary gun sound)

Woggy Woeggy Gwoo
We weebi guau
Wobby Gwoe
Woggy Woeggy Gwoo
We weebi guau
That’s what they said

That’s what she said
That’s what he said

(dance solo)

Ooo loo, ooo loo, looloolooloo…
hum hum hum
Are you reh uhee oooaeoh

I’m picking up the guac for Kevin
Count your particles
Happy New Year from 7 to 11
Here it comes
Here it comes
Here it comes
11 !!
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
11 !!
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Woggy Woeggy Gwoo
We weebi guau
Wobby Gwoe
Woggy Woeggy Gwoo
We weebi guau
Woggy woe woo
That’s what they said

4-up on 5-19-15 at 11.21 PM (compiled)

Song #32 – Mistrust Is Mechanical (#100songs)

Oh yes, the end is clearly in sight!  We’ve been at this project all year round.  So many people I’ll need to thank publicly at the end of this all.  It’s been wild and painful, but mostly inspired and progressive!  I’ve learned so much as an engineer, producer and songwriter as I look backward over this year.  I regret slightly that I have not been able to get all 50 songs completed by my January deadline, but we have been working!  Not to worry!!  We’ve managed to rehears 7 newbies with the 23 Psaegz and another 5 with a smaller form of the band which is tentatively being called Multibird… or VsVvs…. or Faergolzia… any votes?  comment below!  We’ll be recording at the end of January at Blackdog with the 23 Psaegz, and I think we will be recording in NYC sometime in February again at John Kilgore Sound, where we recorded with Faergolzia during our tour in September which took us to Europe.

This song was recorded here in my studio and also at Gil Mortio’s place in Brussels, Belgium.  He’s an awesome musician whose project name is Joy As a Toy.  Check em out!!  I sent Gil a rough, lo-fi recording of my voice and guitar and he did everything else.  It’s a pretty wild interpretation of my original sketch.  I love that, you know, like when a person takes what you said and turns it into something which is totally different but still allows you to maintain your original point.  I think I’d call this mutuality with individualism, a lovely combination, revolutionary, really.


Mistrust Is Mechanical – © ⓟ 2014 Seth Faergolzia, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Like a needle in a haystack
put it in a backpack
pick it throw away again
put it in a pigpen

zip it in a ziplock
take it to the pick pock
it would seem that mistrust is mechanical
response to environment biological
when i breath this mistrust build a globule
spittle in the middle of my throat, botanical
seems mistrust is… mechanical

piddle in the middle of a boat in monaco
needle in a haystack
put it in a back pack
take a piddle on the roof rack
pick pocket payback
there’s a nickel on the dashboard
plastic figure of his lord
prays to it every day
stole my wallet just the same
it would seem that mistrust is mechanical
response to environment biological
when i breath this mistrust build a globule
spittle in the middle of my throat, botanical

it would seem that mistrust is mechanical
response to environment biological
it would seem that mistrust is mechanical
response to environment biological
it would seem that mistrust is mechanical
response to environment biological
mistrust is mechanical
mistrust is mechanical